Pork, onion, pounded groundnuts, coriander roots, pepper, garlic, duck's eggs,
cooking oil, fish sauce, palm sugar, and coriander leaves.
Finely chopped the pork. Finely pound together coriander roots, pepper, and
garlic. Then fry it with pork. Add pound groundnuts, chopped onion, sugar, and
fish sauce. Taste it until satisfied with salty and sweet flavor. Remove from
heat. Mix it with coarsely cut coriander
leaves, then put in a bowl. Break a duck's egg, then beat it very well. Spread
a thin layer of oil over the inner surface of the frying fan. Pour the well-beaten
egg into the fan. Spin the pan to pan the egg in wide round shape with thin
layer. Put the cooked pork at the middle of egg pan. Then wrap it into a square
shape, put onto a plate. The fried egg must be golden and almost crisp. If more
egg pan needed, use 1 egg to make 1 egg pan.
(Mom Luang Nuang Nilruttana. 2537 B.E: 96,112)
Translator : Aketawan
28 Sep 2002