Young Garcina fruits, pork, dried shrimps, dried chilies, garlic, high quality shrimp paste, hot chilies, Yellow chilies, cooking oil, palm sugar, and fish sauce.
Transversely cut the whole young Garcina fruit, then squeeze off the juice. Finely pound dried chilies together with dried shrimps, shrimp paste, hot chilies, and garlic.
Then mix the chili paste with the prepared Garcina fruit, blend until satisfied with 3 flavors; sweet, sour, and salty. Fry the mixture in heated cooking oil together with pork. Blend the flavor until satisfied. Then stir fried with whole yellow chilies, immediately removed from heat. It is now ready to for serve.
Side dish
Salted meat, dried serpent heads fish, gourami, and omelet. Served with fried or roasted crispy rice, or bread. Mixed with rice, no vegetable needed.
(Mom Luang Nuang Nilruttana. 2537 B.E: 204,218)
Translator : Aketawan
4 June 2003